Sunday, June 3, 2007


What Are Far Infrared Rays (FIR) ?

FIR is commonly known as the "Light of Life". It is an invisible part of the spectrum of sunlight and as such is also known as the "Invisible Light".

It is known as the "Light of Life" because it has brought life to the Earth. Until today, the development and reproduction of all life-forms on Earth depends upon FIR found in sunlight.
To cite a few examples, All insects depend on sunlight to hatch their eggs and propagate them. This is all done by FIR.

Sea turtles lay their eggs on the sandy beaches and bury them in the sand. Under the heat of the Sun, especially the effects of FIR acting on the eggs for a period of time, tiny turtles are hatched. This is one of the forms, which FIR has contributed. If there were no sunlight, the above example of procreation would not have taken place. As such, we call FIR in sunlight the "Light of Life"
Actually, FIR does not only originate from the Sun itself. Many living things on Earth such as Human Beings, animals, soil and minerals are able to produce FIR under specific conditions and such rays are similar in nature to the "Light of Life".

Hens and many other birds embrace their eggs and use the heat produced by their bodies to hatch them. They are in fact using FIR produced by their bodies to do the hatching, thus producing life.
Under this simple reproductive process, the eggs of insects, sea turtles, hens and birds have developed tremendously under the influence of FIR. These changes have caused the albumin and the yolk to develop into blood vessels, nerves, skeletons, organs, etc. and give life to the young which live together with their mothers in this world. That is why the effects of FIR are so great. Our bodies too can produce FIR . The intensity of FIR produced by the Humanbeing varies from person to person. However, when it begins to decline, the human body will be subjected to attacks by ailments and diseases, age quickly and become old. There will be a decline in the state of health and when we are about to face death, FIR radiation from the human body will be near to zero.

As such the human body requires a continuous supply of FIR from mother nature to boost the powers of the FIR found in our bodies. Constant exposure to sunlight will make our body feel healthier and because of this, we will feel energetic and stronger after having a sun -bath. From the physics point of view, FIR is a form of light. It is a form of light invisible to our eyes and as such is known as the 'Invisible Light' It possesses properties similar to Light. It has a fixed wavelength range, is a transverse wave, which is a component of the electromagnetic spectrum. It travels in straight lines and also experiences refraction and reflection. When it comes in contact with bodies of similar wavelength resonance takes place, thus causing both of them to vibrate at the same frequency and eventually the FIR is absorbed by the body itself. It also possesses a form of "Natural Energy". Heat which we experience everyday is all due to the presence of FIR.
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Saturday, June 2, 2007

Biofir."Genius! BiOFiR NECKLACE Far Infra Red Rays

Give 5 minutes of your time to read this page, you will find modern healing solution to solve your health problems.

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Far Infra Red Thermography Analysis Before and After

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A necklace which seem to be like other necklace but has ability to transfer high bio genetic energy to the users so that this could help them to improve their health dramatically. BioFir Necklace has been proven to be very useful for the following conditions;

High Cholesterol, Hypertension, Back Problems, Acid Reflux, Diabetes Mellitus, Heart, Stroke, Rheumatism, Uric Acid, Migrain, Anemia, Headaches, Prostate, Osteoporosis, Stress, Arthritis, Sinusitis, Vertigo, and Vaginistis.

This is not magic product, it is product of science and technology, a natural product what we called BioFir Necklace.

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